首页 新闻中心 富民时装城 富民商务中心 虎门富民布料市场 富民小商品内衣 《富民服装》报
主办单位: 广东省服装服饰行业协会
承办单位: 广东服装研究设计中心有限公司
支持单位: 中国服装设计师协会
网络支持: 中国服装设计师协会网、中国服装网、广东服装行业流通信息平台、虎门太平网、虎门服装网、富民服装城网;虎门太平官方微博、虎门服装微博、虎门时尚微博、虎门服装设计微博、虎门女性微博、广东时装周微博;穿针引线服装论坛
Sponsors: Guangdong Garments &Garment Article Industry Association
Guangdong Fashion Designers Association
People’s Government of Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
<Fashion China>
Undertaker: Guangdong Fashion Research &Design Center, Ltd.,Co.
Dongguan Humen Garment Designer Association
Humen Taiping Website
Supporter: China Fashion Association
1. Foreign and domestic professional fashion designers(including HK, Macau and Taiwan territory)
2. Foreign and domestic fashion school’s teachers and students
3. Fashion Design Amateurs
1、 本大赛以“和谐篇章”为主题,“以人为本,和谐共赢”是当今社会的一大趋势,该目标同样体现在女装行业中。要求作品 “舒适实用、时尚创新”,体现2013或2014国际女装流行趋势,设计作品要有商业价值和具备主导市场的潜力,必须为女装,设计完整的系列化及服饰配套,每个系列5套。
2、 作品必须是彩色效果图(电子版),一个系列人物连画在一张效果图中,(规格:1050像素*800像素),并在左上方标明作者及作品名称。格式须为JPG或GIF(平面图片),可手绘或电脑制作。
3、 须附工艺制作图一张,尺寸与效果图一致,并标明面料小样。
4、 附加该参赛设计作品的整体设计思路一份,格式为Word文本格式 ,字数不低于500字。
5、 参赛作品必须是本人原创作品,每人一稿,稿件不得一稿多投和抄袭他人作品,如发现即取消参赛权。
6、 所有参赛作品版权归大赛组委会所有,组委会有权宣传、出版、制作、展示全部参赛作品。
1、 The theme of this contest is “Harmonious Chapter”. Nowadays social trend includes “People foremost, win altogether with accord development” , which is also embodied in women’s fashion industry. The works must be designed for the aim of “Comfort, Practicality Fashion and Creativity” and to reflect 2013/2014 latest fashion with notable innovation, commercial value and market potential. The range is women’s wear with complete series and accessories. Each series includes 5 suits.
2、 The works must be colored drawings (E-version). A series of apparel drawn on drawing (1050*800pixel) with your name and works name written on left top. The picture format must be JPG or GIF, hand drawing or computer drawing.
3、 A Clothing Specification / Working Sheet (same format as the apparel drawings) must be attached with scanned samples of fabric & material.
4、 Also attach an article of design inspiring thought (DOC) of your works with about 200 words.
5、 The works must be original and never be published. One person can only contribute once. Copy works and the works contributed more than once are regarded as invalid manuscript. We reserved the rights to cancel the contestant’s qualification if above found.
6、 The copyright of all contributions is owned by the contest committee. The committee has the right to promote, publish, make and display all contributions.
1、 选手于截稿日期前登陆虎门太平网(www.humen.gov.cn)、虎门服装网(www.humen.com)、富民服装城网(www.fumin.com)、
2、 联系人及电话:左绪军(020-84348410)
1、 The contestants click before deadline www.humen.gov.cn,www.humen.com, www.fumin.com or www.gdfz.org to download the application form. Fill the form and pack with your works, personal photo and ID card to email to sjds@humen.gov.cn. Please title the email with “Online Fashion Design Contest Contribution” and your name. Deadline is subject to sending time.

Liaison person: Ms. Luo Tel: +86-769-85505391

One Gold Prize: 10,000RMB, cup and certificate
Two Silver Prizes: 8,000RMB, cup and certificate
Three Bronze Prizes: 6,000RMB, cup and certificate
One The Creation Award: 3,000RMB, cup and certificate
One Entrepreneur Recommend Award: 3,000RMB,cup and certificate
One Web Popularity Award: 3,000RMB, cup and certificate
Twenty Lucky Web Voters: Fashion women’s apparel valued 500RMB
Preliminary: The professional judge group will evaluate all contributions based on the rules and select the best 30 works for the final. These 30 works will be made public on the website for voting.
Final: The selected 30 works will be on www.humen.gov.cn and scored by professional judge group and web voters (The professional judge group score 80%, the web voters score 20%) and comes out the Gold, Silver and Bronze Prize winner.
The Creation Award: The professional judge group will score 30 final works based on design creation and the highest scorer will win this prize.
Entrepreneur Recommend Award: The judge group will be composed by the representatives of Humen clothing enterprises and score 30 final works and the highest scorer will win this prize.
Web Popularity Award: The works of the final 30 which get the highest web voting will win this prize.
Lucky Web Voters: After prizes winner come out, 20 lucky voters will be drawn by random by the system

* 第一届中国(虎门)国际女装网上设计大赛决赛结果公布
* 2012中国(虎门)国际女装网上设计大赛初评结果
* 2012中国(虎门)国际女装网上设计大赛初评揭晓
* 2012中国(虎门)国际女装网上设计大赛征稿启事

TEL:0769-85119681 85119781 FAX:0769-85119781